Cloud Hosting: Why choose burstable storage?

Do you find yourself underestimating or overestimating your resource usage?

It’s almost impossible for a small business to predict exactly how much resource they will need during a certain amount of time. However, it is possible to make sure that you will always have resource available to you when you use more than your committed amount.

The solution? Burstable Cloud Hosting. With a burstable option, you will never run out of resource or pay for resource you don’t need. You are able to exceed your committed amount of usage up to an agreed limit and the extra is billed on a per unit resource per hour basis.

Burstable storage is most ideal for users who require more flexibility and resources, it enables you to cope with sudden surges in requirements which are above your business’ committed rate. Also by only deploying and using the resource you need at any given time, Cloud Hosting can cost you less than any on premise solution.


Benefits of burstable Cloud Hosting packages include:

  • The ability to use more than the stated amount when needed and only pay for the extra when it’s required.
  • Account limits which can be set higher than the committed amount.
  • Measurable burstable resource usage.
  • Additional resource usage billed by a pay-as-you go rate.
  • A regular bill outlining your resource usage sent out at the end of each month.

If your small business adopts a burstable Cloud Hosting package, all of the above benefits will ensure a more productive and profitable business.

For more information on Cloud Hosting and to find out whether burstable would be ideal for your small business, talk to a cloud hosting provider.